Sunday 27 March 2011

LEAD Personal Development Plan 27th March 2011


The Personal Development Plan identifies the following
  • The Students key skills
  • Goals
  • Learning opportunities
  • Assessment of success
  • Timeline for Completion
  • Evidence of learning
Through your extra-curricular and co-curricular activities you must reflect on the key skills and knowledge you acquired and illustrate this by providing evidence either scrap books, posters, documents, reports or photos.

I am involved in the Students Union, Irelands Young Planners Committee and the Planning Society in DIT, Bolton Street. I have selected the following three skills which I could further develop during the LEAD Module.

1) Communication
2) Problem-Solving
3) Planning and Organising

These skills can be further developed and utilised in the Workplace when I graduate in May this year.
My Personal Development Plan is crucial in making me aware of the essential skills I have expressed through the LEAD Module. This can be the portal which I can further pursue and develop my employability skills.  

1) Communication

Membership has to be gathered for the Irish Young Planners Group (IYP) by mid May. I will talk to all the Young Planners from first through to fourth year in DIT to make them aware of this new (IYP) Committee. The purpose is to gather non student email addresses so the Committee can contact Planning Students on the various Irish Planning Institute (IPI) and non-IPI events in the forthcoming year. Last year, it was firmly realised that Graduate Planners were unreachable, 'out of the loop' because non student addresses were not provided. This new Committee, can overcome this problem and I can rectify this issue by verbally informing Planning Students. The next Committe Meeting is scheduled for the 19th of May and the Minutes of the Meeting will determine whether Membership was successful or unsuccessful.

2) Problem-Solving

Unfortunately, this year saw the demise of the Environmnetal Society. However, the Planning Society can be the niche drawing both Planning and Environmental Students together. During this year the Planning Society became much bigger and more involved in joint events for example the Circus Rave and Superbowl Sunday! Diversity is the spice of life! The Planning Society has an open door policy with membership ranging from architects, environmentalists, enginners you name it!

The issue being discussed here is 'Green Week' which was previously ran by the Environmental Society and this year the Planners decided to run the Event which will start on the 4th of April. This involves budgeting, organising speakers, posters, time management, setting up rooms for talks and displaying a film. The Committee discussed the talks we would have, decided on a range of themes which would cover a broad range of student interests across the DIT sites. We ordered T-shirts for 'Green Week', organised extra people to be involved and networked through our 'Mental Planners' Facebook site and face-to-face to ensure a successful turnout.
We are a Competitive Society with high hopes for 'Green Week' which we believe will be bigger and better than last year! Posters have been placed around the College and this is further proof of our efforts, involving all students during 'Green Week'.

3) Planning and Organising

I am naturally an organised person and being Vice-Chairperson of the Planning Society this skill has been further expanded over the last two years. I suppose being a 'Spatial Planner' is also a further incentive to plan efficiently! I always strive to reach deadlines either in individual or group Projects. This is an important quality in a person and in the Planning Society, the committee members have this desirable trait which is why it is achieving such success.
There have been challenges along the way particularly in organising 'Green week' we must ensure all the Speakers are well looked after. Time is of the essence and because I am in final year we must acquire extra help from the new Committee members, the third years.

Write and Record information in a personal Diary and circulate via email to all group members
  • Committee Meetings
  • Speakers
  • Students-extra helpers
  • Timetabling
I had to acquire timetables of the third year students to see when they were available and willing to help. I had to decide on which rooms we would use for talks to ensure they were free at designated times. I had to draw up a rooster of Speakers to make sure the event runs as professionally as possible. During the event photographs will be taken of speakers, students and the wider public which can be displayed on our 'Mental Planners' facebook website. Some speakers are confirmed while others will be in contact during the week. Some students have expressed interest in helping us and they will be contacted by the end of this week. I think this 'Green Week' will have good attendance and generate a positive atmosphere in the College.

Don't forget to wear 'GREEN' ....Hope to see you all there in Bolton Street, on the 4th of April!

1 comment:

  1. Great to see your blog coming together so have a great balance between being able to see the possible future challenges, reflect upon your own skills (strengths and areas for development) and planning/thinking ahead...
